Welcome to A Family Inspired. Whether you know me personally or through social media, thank you for visiting.
I have always wanted to become a mother and when I was finally gifted the opportunity, I poured myself into it. Three years later, I am realizing that the woman I was before motherhood got buried a little too deep beneath my surface.
I am on a personal mission to dig her out, dust her off, and find out what she looks like these days.
One thing I have already learned about the “me” deep inside is that I am looking to build a life driven by inspiration. I want to push myself to grow and live each of my days with intention.
This is where A Family Inspired comes in. I have built this site to be a home for my inspiration. Motherhood and writing are two of the things that bring me the greatest joy and are the catalyst for this blog. My About Me page elaborates on what fuels me and what I hope to share here.
I know that growth requires challenging oneself and doing things that feel scary. This feels scary so it seems like a good place to start.
If you find joy here I hope you will stick around.