If you’re looking for a quick costume that will go with your child’s firefighter costume, I have the easiest, last-minute DIY fire costume you can throw together.
For the past few years we have done a family theme costume. Last year, we were a family construction zone but this year the boys are both old enough to have their own opinions. One wants to be a triceratops, and the other, a firefighter.
While I was trying to figure out what costume goes with a firefighter, my sister suggested I be the fire. Perfect! I loved the idea but I never got around to figuring out the costume and I suddenly found myself hours away from a trunk-or-treat with nothing to wear.
I thought about what we had in the house and whipped up this easy, last-minute DIY fire costume in less than 30 minutes.
DIY Fire Costume
- Large sheet of blank/scrap paper
- Pen/pencil
- Scissors
- Colored paper
- Red, Orange & Yellow
- Tape or glue stick
- Ribbon or string
Step 1
You will need to sketch the outline of a fire on a sheet of scrap paper. I used Google Images for some inspiration. The best part is that fires are ever changing so you can throw perfection out the window and have fun with it!
Start with the outermost line. This will be the largest part of your fire. – Circle 1
Once you have that the main outline drawn, draw a smaller version of your flame inside – Circle 2.
Repeat one more time to draw a third, smallest, flame outline – Circle 3.
You should have three flame outlines on your sheet.

Step 2
Cut out the flame outline of Circle 1 only.
Use the cutout as a stencil on top of the red paper. Trace the flame, then cut the shape from the red paper.

Step 3:
Repeat the steps above for the remaining flame outlines (2 & 3).
Circle 2 – Orange paper
Circle 3 – Yellow paper.
You should now have three flame cutouts

Step 4
Stack the three flames together in the following order
- Bottom: Red
- Middle: Orange
- Top: Yellow
Once you like the way the flames look, secure them together with a glue stick or tape. I used double sided tape because I had it on hand. A glue stick may have been better because it would have been easier to secure all the wisps of flame down.

Step 5
Snip a hole on each side of the flames horizontally from each other. Tie your string or ribbon to each hole to create a “necklace” as pictured below.
I used twine because it reminded me of wood but it was scratchy and I think a ribbon or softer string would have been more comfortable.

Step 6
Now that you have completed the fire necklace, you can dress yourself to complement the color of fire.
Luckily I happen to own one orange sweater. I basically wear it every Halloween and it was the perfect shirt to throw on last minute. I think red, yellow, brown or black or white would work just fine as well.
Orange or brown pants would have been fun to add but I don’t own either so jeans it was. I like to think the rips make them look like they got singed by the flames 😉

And there you have it. This is how I pulled together a last-minute DIY fire costume to pair perfectly with my little fireman
Side note: I have long since given up on trying to get my kids to wear things that I like. My son’s fire costume is a combination of Old Navy firefighter pajamas and the hat from Paw Patrol’s Marshall costume. Pick your battles.
Happy Halloween! Enjoy your trick-or-treating!
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